
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Fun

The weekend of July 4th was very busy and fun for all of us. The weekend started Saturday morning when we went to the O'Fallon Heritage Festival Parade. Jacob was very excited.

Jacob waiting for the parade to start

Still waiting but having a good time playing in his wagon

Waving to everyone that went by

Stamped by a political candidate but still clapping for all the floats and walkers

Jacob and Mommy

Jacob and Nonna

Jacob and Daddy watching the parade

At the end of the parade - everyone was tired! Jacob didn't even wake up to the fire engine sirens.
After nap time, the next stop on Saturday was a friend's house for a BBQ. Jacob had a great time playing with all the other kids.
Trying to go up the slide like the big boys.

SOO happy to be at the top of the tree house on the play set.

Loved the swing - he won't go near a swing at a park but I think the older kids doing it really helped him be 'encouraged' to enjoy it this time. Looks like we need to get a swing set!

Enjoying a Popsicle! It stained his hands and face but was oh so good!
On Sunday we had friend's over for a BBQ and the men set off fireworks in the evening. Jacob loved the fireworks although I was afraid he would be scared. Fireworks are legal in Cottleville so booms were heard constantly. Jacob slept through everything that night which confirms he could sleep through anything!

Jacob (in the small chair) and his friend watching the fireworks set off by Daddy.

Ready for bed!
On Monday we relaxed and had Grandma and Grandpa Beffa out to our house for a BBQ. This is later in the evening when Daddy and Jacob were playing outside.

Yep, that's chalk he's eating. We try and try but the kid just doesn't get it.

Jacob sitting on our new front porch. He LOVES to go up and down the steps.

Picture of our new house - and Jacob playing in the street (we are such good parents). We hardly have any traffic because there are only about 7 houses in our subdivision but still not a great thing to have your 18 month old doing.

Thanks to Nonna Jacob LOVES playing in any water. He splashes away, even in the neighboring mud created by our sprinklers. Here he is in relatively clean water.

So proud of himself for getting all wet. Maybe we need a pool too!